Mesothelioma Cancer - An Invasive Form Of Disease
Mesothelioma Cancer - An Invasive Form Of Disease
Do you know that too much exposure to asbestos can lead to a very serious disease? This disease is often known as Mesothelioma Cancer. People who are exposed in too many asbestos particles during their work have the higher possibility to develop mesothelioma.Mesothelioma cancer is an illness caused due to too much inhaling of asbestos dust. In this type of disease, malignant cells were form in the mesothelium (a protective lining that acts as a shield that protects our internal organs such as the heart and the lungs). Coughs, shortness of breath and chest wal pain are some of the common symptoms of mesothelioma.
Unlike any other cancer, mesothelima does not usually reach the adrenal glands, bones and brain. Its main target is the respiratory and circulatory system.
In most cases, it is quite difficult to detect if the person have a mesothelioma cancer. The main reason is that the signs and symptoms are sometimes similar to the other type of cancer.
Mesothelioma Cancer Diagnosis
Although it is difficult, there are different ways on how to diagnose if a patient has already had a mesothelioma. The first thing to do is to review the medical history of the patient's exposure to asbestos.
Afterwards it is followed by a physical examination. Then several tests were conducted like x-ray and lung function test whish is helpful to reveal signs of mesothelioma. Biopsy is also essential to verify the diagnosis. This is being done by a pathologist.
On the other hand, thoroscopy is necessary if the cancer originates in the chest otherwise laparacoscopy will be perform if the cancer cell is found in the abdomen. If all these processes fail to recognize mesothelioma, other diagnostic surgery may be needed.
Mesothelioma can be categorized as pleural and peritoneal. In pleural mesothelioma, malignant cells are commonly found in the pleural, the outer lining of the lungs while peritoneal mesothelima is a cancer in the peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity.
Several treatments were conducted to prevent mesothelioma. Patients may undergo in chemotherapy or cytoreductive surgery to stop the spread of the cancer cell.
Unlike other diseases, Mesothelioma cancer is not easy to alleviate. It will take along time for a Mesothelioma cancer patient to recover. Moreover, the treatments and medicines are costlier. It is very vital for everyone to maintain good health so that everyone can have a blissful life and to prevent a deadly disease such as Mesothelioma cancer.
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